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How to Start an Online eCommerce Store

By December 7, 2020December 7th, 2021No Comments

If you’ve ever dreamed of starting an online store, there’s no better time to begin than right now. The key to running a successful eCommerce store is making every transaction count. It’s one thing to get traffic and sell products. 

Here are easy ways for how to start an online eCommerce store: 

  • Business strategy. 
  • Brand setup. 
  • Choose online eCommerce platform for your store. 
  • Build your online eCommerce store. 
  • Marketing automation. 
  • Marketing of your brand and website. 

Business strategy 

Every successful business starts with a strategy plan. Your business strategy will help you outline your goals and ensure you stay put on track. 

1. Select a business model. 

2. Select a catchy name and get your business license. 

3. Check out your startup costs and revenue projections.  

4. Research your target audience and build personas.  

5. Watch out of your competitors, what strategies they are implementing and why they are different from yours. 

Brand setup 

Branding is an important component of marketing either its online or offline, as it helps your customers to see the uniqueness of your company. 

1. Create brand imagery. 

2. Differentiate your brand identity. 

Choose online eCommerce platform for your store 

The online eCommerce platform you choose for your store plays an important role in the success of your brand website.  

There are so many online eCommerce platforms to choose from, with the vast number of options available for your store. Couple of most popular eCommerce platforms are following: 

  • BigCommerce 
  • WooCommerce 
  • Shopify 
  • Magento 

Build your online eCommerce store 

After you’ve gone through the steps above, you’re ready to build your online eCommerce store.  

1. Choose a template from platform to set up you online eCommerce store that connects with your business and customers. 

2. Connect with payment gateways. 

3. Set up shipping providers. 

4. Create content and add products pictures to your online eCommerce store. 

5. Describe simple return and refund policy. 

Marketing automations 

Email marketing is essential for any business and segmenting your subscriber or customers into groups will help you serve your services better. Emails content should be factored into your overall eCommerce marketing automation strategy. 

1. Have a pre-purchase welcome email. 

2. Create abandoned cart emails. 

3. Have an after-purchase email series with product details including invoices. 

Marketing of your brand and website 

Promoting your brand and website are essential components of your online success. Always test your online eCommerce platform to ensure that everything is functional. Promote your brand using social media like Facebook and Instagram, also run ad campaigns to get more audience.  

Final notes… 

Once your online eCommerce store is set up, it will need to be both maintained and updated to optimize results. This will include checking for backend of the website faults, altering content and design according to your bounce rate and finally optimizing your SEO.  

Jarvis Cole are the leaders in eCommerce recruitment and specialize in recruiting all types of eCommerce job roles. If you are a company looking to expand your new online eCommerce store by utilizing the best eCommerce talent in the marketplace, get in touch with us today!